Guilds within PlaneShift

Guilds are a critical part of gameplay in PlaneShift. You cannot miss to be part of one!

Guild: An association of persons of the same trade or pursuits, formed to protect mutual interests and maintain standards.

Guilds allow you to know more people, to team up for completion of larger and more complex tasks, to choose your side and outline better the identity of your character.

To create your guild in the game, you need to have 20,000 tria and four other people readily available to join within 5 minutes of creation! If you do not have five members in your guild within five minutes, the guild will disband and you will not get a refund. So have people ready! It shouldn't be hard to find other members if your guild is interesting and thought-out. Read on to find some tips on guild creation.

Read more about how to define your guild in here.

Guilds on Laanx (Main Server)

The following list is extracted regularly from the in game database, and presents all the guilds with active members. The members column shows the number of members in the guild which logged in game in the last year.

Banner Guild Members
Iron Claw logo Iron Claw
Founded: 23 February 2016
The Family logo The Family
Founded: 11 December 2011
Founded: 24 December 2020
Bounty Hunters
Founded: 20 June 2007
Kingdom of Valour
Founded: 03 June 2008
The Way of the Hammer
Founded: 14 July 2006