Lost In Yliakum

Note: This is an in game event, please login in game at the give time and location (see below). Ask a Game Master or other players for information.

Event 19 image 19

History of the Holiday / Purpose

A chance to have a relaxing evening out with that special someone or a group of your friends.

How is it Celebrated

An evening of fine dining at the Stonehead Tavern hosted by the Stonehead staff. People will be seated and then treated to a fine meal. The meal will be served in three portions starting with an appetizer, while your meal is prepared fresh within the kitchen by one of the taverns cooks. You and your party and/or the other guests can enjoy a quiet conversation while you wait for your meal. Desert will be served after you finished your dinner. The staff will check with you on occasion to cater your needs as they tend to the other guests as well. The evening also offers a suitable environment for a romantic evening for those couples looking for a chance to have a special evening with one another..


The Stonehead Tavern in Gugrontid