
PlaneShift Forums
Our board is the place to contact the developers and the other players, to express your idea about PlaneShift, its development, its progress and future plans.
Please be sure to read the forum rules before joining!
The board is divided into many different sections, with different purposes. Familiarizing yourself with these sections will help you better reach the proper audience:
PlaneShift Rules and Notifications - Here you will see important notifications about PlaneShift, such as policies (and their changes), news of events, and our developer Q&A sessions.
Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game - This is a section for help with problems that occur before your characters steps into the game world. Issues may include: Registration, Install, Connection, Updater, Char Creation Problems, Log In, Loading World.
Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) - Here you can find help on and report technical problems that you experience once you are actually playing the game. As always, be sure to read the important stickied threads to see if your issue has already been addressed.
Linux Specific Issues - For linux and distro discussion.
Mac OSX Specific Issues - For problems specific of the Mac OSX platform only.
Server Status - Here you can find servers or mirrors availability announcements and status update discussions. If you find that the server is unavailable, try to avoid rushing to this section and making a thread on the issue - the server could have gone down for maintenance. If you see no announcement for several hours, then you may feel free to ask about the problem.
Forum Issues - If you have a problem with the forums or a request for a new forum feature, post here.
Newbie Help - Basic help for newcomers regarding game play and game features, FAQs and more. It is highly recommended that you look around this section before posting - your issue could have already been answered in a recent thread.
General Discussion - Discussions about PlaneShift, Roleplaying and more. Posts in this section must deal with the game - off-topic discussions belong in Hydlaa Plaza.
In-Game Roleplay Events - Announcements and discussions of roleplayed events made by GM or players.
Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) - Devoted to creative writing about PlaneShift world.
Guilds Forum - Guilds Creation, Advertizing, Discussion.
The Hydlaa Plaza - Off-topic chat board - please do all non-PlaneShift-related chit-chatting here. Note that "off-topic" does not mean "no-topic" and you are still asked to make a valuable post rather than a bored one.
Fan Art - Post your fan art about PlaneShift here! Pictures, models, sketches, maps are all encouraged. Comments and improvements are welcome.
Wish List - What you would like to see in the final game? Post your ideas and suggestions, but be sure to read the Wishlist Rules first.
Development Deliberation - Where people can discuss code contributions, build problems, CS/CEL/Cal3d problems for the latest cvs ONLY.